Headteacher – Claire Grant
Teaching Staff
EYFS/Year 1 – Sarah Cox
Year 2/3 – Bridget Smith & Natasha Stringer
Year 4 – Nicola Prowse
Year 5/6– Kate Grant
KS2 Science Specialist – Neil Phillips
SENDCO – Maddy Yates (myates@goodilf.org.uk)
Forest School
Zarin Delahunt
Instrumental Tuition
Saxophone/Clarinet – Carol Dewis
Flute/Fife/Keyboard – Catherine Nicholls
Drum kit – Martin Bradshaw
Violin – Louise Craddock
Vicky Lewis
Hayley Frost
Learning Support Assistants
Karen Zeale
Becki Cockbill
Zarin Delahunt
Stacey Hedges (maternity leave)
Nadine Busby
Adam Morris
Louise Meddemmen
Megan Barrable
Joe Pearson
Mealtime Supervision
Becki Cockbill
Zarin Delahunt
Stacey Hedges (maternity leave)
Nadine Busby
Adam Morris
Louise Meddemmen
Megan Barrable
Joe Pearson
Kitchen Manager
Darren Smith
Paul Green
“I love Goodleigh School, they are all really nice (children and teachers), it is the perfect school to be at!”