Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities (SEND)

SEND Information Report 2024/25

General Information

We are a mainstream infant school which prides itself on being an inclusive school where every child remains at the heart of all we do. The Executive Headteacher and SENDCo work closely with the Deputy Headteacher and all members of staff to ensure that all children are able to achieve their full potential and have access to all areas of the curriculum and extended provision. Children with special educational needs are assessed and monitored carefully and systematically to ensure appropriate resources, systems and procedures are in place to support their learning and wellbeing. Ilfracombe Infant and Nursery School adheres to the 2015 SEND Code of Practice. 

Our Policy for SEND provision

The school’s policy for SEND is regularly reviewed by the governing body. We continue to use the Devon Graduated Response to SEND Support tool as our approach to identify, support and monitor children with SEND. To help us identify the particular needs a child might have: we monitor the progress data of all children rigorously; use observations to inform us and regularly communicate with teachers and parents and carers.

Communication between teachers, parents and carers is essential in this process. If necessary, professional guidance is sought from a range of external agencies and specialist services. If, after thorough assessment, additional SEND support is required, then a clear and detailed plan is laid out in an Individual Learning Plan and in some cases an individual My Plan which has been adapted from the Devon Assessment Framework to suit our school requirements.

The range of support and strategies in place and pupils’ expected outcomes are mapped out using Individual Learning Plans and monitored termly by the SENDCo. The observation and monitoring of interventions is coordinated and carried out by the SENDCo. The impact and success of these interventions is measured by comparing pre-/post-data and drawing comparisons with peer and national equivalent data. 

Interventions and Strategies

In addition to high quality teaching there are levels of scaffolding within all classes, children with SEND have access to a wide range of interventions. These might include small group programmes such as High 5, Lego Therapy, Counting to Calculating, Talk Boost, Trugs and 1:1 daily programmes meeting the specific needs of individuals. In addition, children with complex needs might have access to a highly personalised curriculum. 

We take a graduated approach to meeting pupil needs by reviewing class teaching, accessing strategies and removing barriers to learning within a classroom setting. If additional funds are required to enable a child to achieve his or her full potential, then this will be sought as additional funding through the Devon Graduated Response process, as part of an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) assessment. We support our most complex pupils with Education Health and Care plans which are reviewed annually or more regularly if required. The SENDCo works closely with parent and carers as well as obtaining advice from a range of external agencies throughout the EHCP process. 

All pupils at Ilfracombe Infant and Nursery School have access to high quality teaching.  Our curriculum takes into account pupils’ differing needs. We make appropriate use of delegated budgets to support children with additional needs. All children are encouraged to take part in the full range of extra-curricular activities on offer and all aspects of school life. 

We promote a positive attitude to SEND among all staff and children and we place a strong emphasis on the pastoral and emotional wellbeing of our children. We promote a positive approach to behaviour management, more details of which can be found in our behaviour policy. We provide a safe environment for our children including nurturing their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. A Class Teacher is the school’s Mental Health Champion and works closely with staff to promote positive self esteem for all pupils including those with SEND.


Our SENDCo is responsible for coordinating and implementing the school SEND policy and the range of these duties and responsibilities can be found in the school’s SEND policy. Staff training is audited regularly and in an annual SEND audit to provide relevant training to develop whole school understanding of SEND and strategies to support inclusion. Staff are informed about effective strategies to use within their class to support children with SEND. The school is up to date with all statutory moving and handling training. 

Parents and Carers

We pride ourselves on having close links with parents and carers. In addition to formal reporting, parents and carers are encouraged to engage in regular discussions about their child’s specific needs and what interventions are in place to support them and the expected outcomes of these. 

Parents and carers may be invited to attend informal consultations with the Executive Headteacher, the Deputy Headteacher, the class teacher or the SENDCo. 

Parents and carers of children with SEND are given access to advice and information about SEND matters through Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS) and other external agencies. 

Parents and carers are made aware of the planned support and interventions for their child and how this will help them achieve their expected outcomes. We recognise that parents have a right to request an Education, Health and Care needs assessment and we would fully support them with the process of applying for one. 

Pupils Transferring between Phases of Education 

For those pupils moving between phases of education, for example, moving into key stage 2 school or a specialist setting, individual transition plans are drawn up which may include additional visits to the new setting, transition books, social stories, as well as additional meetings with the SENDCo.

Our SEND Team

Our school SEND Team is Claire Grant, Clare Langmead and Silvia Panella-Peral.  The team can be contacted on 01271 863462 or send@goodilf.org.uk.

Silvia Panella Peral is our School Inclusion Lead, and also our SEND and Child In Care (CIC) Governor.

Agencies that the school has worked with in the last twelve months:

  • Educational Psychology
  • Speech and Language Service
  • School nursing team
  • Behaviour support team
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder Team
  • Children’s centre
  • Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • Physiotherapy department
  • Occupational therapy department
  • Specialist School Outreach Service
  • Early Help 4 Mental Health (EH4MH)