
There is no uniform but school sweatshirts may be purchased from Excel Embroidery if so wished.

Please help us by keeping all of your child’s clothing and shoes clearly labelled, thank you.

PE kit

  • T-shirt
  • Shorts/joggers
  • Training shoes
  • Hooded sweatshirt/sweatshirt 

Please help us by ensuring that your child has their PE kit in school every day.

Suitable coats are required for playtimes and normal school activities.

Forest School

When your child has Forest School sessions please ensure that your child has:

In cold weather:

  • Warm jumper/sweatshirt
  • Long trousers/joggers
  • Warm coat
  • Warm hat
  • Gloves
  • Please note no scarves as they can be a potential hazard
  • Wellington boots

In warm weather:

  • Long sleeve t-shirt (to stop nettle stings and scratches)
  • Lightweight joggers
  • Sun hat
  • Sun cream
  • Wellington boots

It is really important that the children have suitable clothing as we like to take the children outside in all weathers and it can spoil the session for the child if they are cold.

Please help us by keeping all of your child’s clothing and shoes clearly labelled, thank you.